5. Why is silicon or foam injected into the blades of composite sticks and goalie sticks?
A - The silicon and foam help deaden the blade, creating better puck control.
6. What are composite sticks made of?
A - Today's sticks can be made of graphite, carbon, Kevlar and titanium. They can also be made of a combination of any of these materials. Generally speaking, the lighter and stronger the material is means the more it will cost you.
7. Are composite sticks made the same way as wood sticks?
A - There are three types of composite sticks. There are one and two piece sticks. A two piece stick means the shaft and blade are sold separately and you place the blade into the shaft. Some one piece sticks are actually separate blades and shafts that are then glued or fused together. A true one piece stick is when the blade and shaft are molded in one piece.
8. Does taping my stick really make a difference?
A - Hockey tape on the blade of your stick will give you better puck control as it will stop the puck slipping off the blade and will deaden the vibration when the puck hits your stick. Tape will also keep some of the moisture off of your blade.