Everything you wanted to know about hockey sticks
1. What's the first rule of buying a hockey stick?
A - The first rule in buying a hockey stick is to realize there are no rules. The height, weight, curve and lie of your stick are totally up to you, so is the hockey stick brand that you buy. You must use a stick that is comfortable for you and the style of game you play. There are tips dealing with sticks but don't let anybody tell you what stick to use as it may hinder your game.
2. Is a composite stick better than a wood stick?
A - Both sticks have their pros and cons. Wood sticks are cheaper but heavier and they tend to chip. Composite hockey stick featuresinclude that they are lighter and more flexible but they also tend to break. However, the sticks used by the pros are custom made and are built more for quickness and flexibility not for strength. The composite sticks you buy off the shelf at the local sports store are usually stronger than the ones you see breaking everyday in the NHL
3. How many NHL players use wood sticks and how many use composite?
A - Ten years ago it was estimated that 70 per cent of NHL'ers used wood sticks. Today, it's estimated that at least 85 per cent of players use composite hockey sticks.
4. Can you shoot harder with a composite stick?
A - Many players believe they can shoot the hockey puck at least 10 mph faster with a composite stick. However, art a recent NHL All Star skills competition Al MacInnis won the hardest-shot event for the seventh time with a 98.9-m.p.h. shot using a wood stick. The other seven competitors used graphite composite sticks.
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